Recent Findings on MVOC and Equity NAV
Based on asset prices as of 9 Sep 2022 –
- 16.6% of a sample of 1486 US BSL CLO deals have a negative equity NAV and 80.1% of a sample of 462 EU CLO deals have a negative equity NAV.
- The current CLO equity NAV metrics do not look good especially for EU CLOs – that said, CLOs are long-term vehicles. If a CLO has a good runway of reinvestment period as well as WAL and legal maturity cushions, managers can potentially take advantage of the market volatility and improve over time the underlying collateral spreads and interest returns that can more than compensate for any credit losses due to trading or defaults.
- At the BB tranche level, 8.6% of US BSL CLO deals have a below 100% MVOC, while 3.5% of EU CLO deals have a below 100% MVOC.
- At the single B tranche level, 46.1 % of US BSL deals with a single B tranche have a below 100% MVOC based on a sample of 302 deals, while 81% EU CLO deals have a below 100% MVOC based on a sample of 434 deals.
- Generally speaking, MVOC is one part of the story when it comes to CLO tranche valuation, as market participants also look at whether a deal has an above-average or below-average less than 70 or 80 price bucket at the collateral level, among other factors.
- CLOs are managed vehicles; hence, managers’ investment performance is key as they can either add or hurt value by trading on top of credit losses due to default rates.
Related article:
CLO Collateral Assets Below the 80 Price Bucket by Vintage
Distressed Exposure: Assets Below the 70 and 60 Price Buckets by Vintage
US and EU CLOs: Latest MVOC (BB–B) and EQ NAV by Vintage (as of 9 Sep 2022)
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