Tag Archives: Post-RI Prepayment

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EU CLO Managers: Varying Prepayment Rates in the Post-Reinvestment Period

While each CLO deal is different, understanding the historical prepayment rates during the post-RP for each manager remains highly beneficial. Analysing these rates offers insights into the tendencies of different managers, highlighting those who consistently achieve lower prepayment rates and those who tend to experience higher rates in the post-reinvestment phase. In particular, 12 EU CLO managers have kept their annualised prepayment rates in the single digits for the first and second years post-RP, as shown in the table below. Among them, 5 managers have so far demonstrated the ability to keep annualised prepayment rates in the single digits for the first to third years post-RP.

Basic Premium

US CLO Managers: Varying Prepayment Rates in the Post-Reinvestment Period

While each CLO deal is different, understanding the historical prepayment rates based on the original collateral balance during the post-RI period for each manager remains highly beneficial. Analyzing these rates offers insights into the tendencies of different managers, highlighting those who consistently achieve lower prepayment rates and those who tend to experience higher rates in the post-reinvestment phase. To illustrate these trends, the following table presents the average first-year, second-year, and third-year annualized prepayment rates for each manager, based on data from their seasoned deals that have passed their reinvestment end dates. These historical post-RI prepayment rates could be useful as cash flow modeling inputs for each manager.