US BSL CLO Managers: Rankings Based on MVOC (BB)
A sample of 1,601 US BSL CLO deals (vintage 2013–2023) is included in this study. Deals with a collateral pool...
A sample of 1,601 US BSL CLO deals (vintage 2013–2023) is included in this study. Deals with a collateral pool...
US CLO Manager Report: Generate Advisors
Thanks to the solid performance of the deal, no new equity capital was needed, and only a small class X tranche was added.
A sample of 1,684 US BSL CLO deals (vintage 2013–2023) is included in this study. Deals with a collateral pool...
In the 2.0 CLO landscape, it is quite uncommon to see very high cash-on-cash equity distributions. However, 42 regular reinvesting US BSL CLO deals have distributed impressive cash payments to their equity investors, with annualized payments of around 25% or more so far this year.
May 2024: Summary of CLO Research Insights