CLO Research

Basic Premium

Resets: Successful Seasoned US BSL CLO Managers

Since the reset window reopened in mid-2023, managers have actively utilised the reset market to extend the duration of their existing deals. Impressively, seven managers successfully reset at least 10 of their seasoned deals spanning the 2013–2021 vintages. Among them, Oak Hill and CIFC stand out, having reset 15–16 of their seasoned deals during this period.

Basic Premium

EU CLO Managers: Rankings Based on MVOC (BB)

Market Value Over-Collateralization (MVOC), for instance, at the BB tranche level, is calculated by dividing the collateral market value (MV) by the sum of CLO liabilities (AAA to BB). MVOC is a key point-in-time metric for valuing CLO-rated tranches, widely tracked by participants in both primary and secondary markets.

Basic Premium

US BSL CLO Managers: Rankings Based on MVOC (BB)

Market Value Over-Collateralization (MVOC), for instance, at the BB tranche level, is calculated by dividing the collateral market value (MV) by the sum of CLO liabilities (AAA to BB). MVOC is a crucial point-in-time metric for pricing CLO-rated tranches, closely monitored by primary and secondary market participants.

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