CLO Research

Basic Premium

EU CLOs: Asset Maturity Wall

CLO deals with a good WAL test cushion would be in a much better position to take advantage of amend-to-extend activities and boost the asset spreads. The table shows the EU CLO asset maturity wall as well as asset notional amounts in CLO deals with different current WAL test cushions.

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Median MVOC (AAA–B) and EQ NAV by Vintage

Given that the US loan market is a lot bigger and diversified, the CLO overlap risk (between managers) is lower for US CLOs. It is apparent that the similar median EU CLO equity NAV across vintages can also be partially explained by the relatively higher reset level of older deals in Europe. Not many seasoned EU CLO deals have been fully redeemed. Also, many older vintage deals have been reinvesting for much longer than suggested by their reinvestment periods.

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