CLO Research

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From Initial Arbitrage to Final CLO Equity IRRs: Unveiling the Surprising Outcomes

The absence of CLO arbitrage has been garnering significant attention recently. This concept encompasses several facets, most notably the initial net interest margin of a CLO deal. However, in periods of loan market volatility, the importance of the initial net interest margin diminishes somewhat, as market participants redirect their focus towards the enticing potential rewards associated with the rise in equity NAV.

EU Module (Historical Performance and Style)

Scoring the Largest EU CLO Managers Based on 2021 Deal Performance

The table below shows the relative rankings of the largest EU CLO managers based on their latest average total alpha metrics (as of May 5th, 2023). For example, a score of 78% indicates that a manager's total return alpha is in the 78th percentile, meaning their metric is greater than that of 78% of their peers. Check out the rankings to see how these large managers compare in terms of performance!

Basic Premium

Digging Deeper: A Look into EU CLO Managers with Assets Below the 80 and 70 Price Buckets

Examining the exposure below the €80 and €70 price buckets provides valuable insights into the tail risk of the collateral pool. However, it is important to note that these figures may be influenced by trading activities, which can distort the results. For instance, CLO managers may have realized credit losses and lost par due to trading underperforming assets. Therefore, data on the change in portfolio par since inception has been included to provide additional context. Additionally, the last column shows the average % of fixed rate exposure by manager.

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