CLO Research

Freemium: Complimentary Access for Investors

List of US CLO Deals Extended to Over 11 Years of Reinvestment Periods Through Resets

Typically, resetting a deal is more feasible when the deal performs well and market conditions are favorable. For a comprehensive overview, please refer to the full list of US CLO deals that boast reinvestment periods exceeding 11 years. Remarkably, six of these deals feature reinvestment periods of over 13 years! This impressive performance stands as a testament to their success, highlighting that extending the reinvestment period by such a significant margin through resets—without any additional injection of capital—would otherwise be an exceedingly challenging feat!

Basic Premium

US CLOs: Median MVOC and Equity NAV by Vintage

It is interesting to note that the median US CLO equity NAV metrics by vintage have remained largely unchanged from one month ago, set against the backdrop of a very flat loan market, as illustrated in the graph below. In addition, it is observed that the median equity NAV from the 2018 vintage appears to be relatively low.

Basic Premium

Equity Distributions in EU CLO Deals Post-Reinvestment Period

The table below illustrates the equity distributions for EU CLOs, based on a sample of 145 deals. All these deals have exited their reinvestment period by 31 January 2024. Unlike their US counterparts, the median distribution for EU CLOs has been trending higher. In the EU CLO market, many managers have been more successful at maintaining investments in the first and second years post-reinvestment.

Basic Premium

Equity Distributions in US CLO Deals Post-Reinvestment Period

The latest median equity distribution was 2.8%, representing a decrease of 60 basis points from the previous median quarterly distribution—a significant decline. This suggests that an increasing number of deals may become ripe for a call over the next few quarters. However, the decision to actually call them will depend on several other factors.

Basic Premium

EU CLOs: Fixed Rate Exposures By Vintage (Premium)

In terms of EUR notional exposure, fixed-rate exposure has increased by EUR 1.6 billion, due to the issuance of more CLOs since the beginning of 2023. If 2023 vintage deals were excluded, fixed-rate exposure would have decreased by EUR 0.3 billion. The following table presents the breakdown of the total EUR 19.4 billion exposure by manager.

Freemium: Complimentary Access for Investors

EU CLOs: Fixed Rate Exposures By Vintage

Please refer to the table below for the latest data on underlying fixed-rate exposures in EU CLOs, categorised by vintage year and presented in percentiles (75th, 50th, and 25th). These percentiles illustrate the distribution of fixed-rate exposures across the CLO portfolios, while the 'Deal Count' denotes the number of deals for each vintage. In fact, the latest fixed-rate exposures across EU CLOs have largely remained the same compared to those at the end of 2022. The latest median exposure was 8.6%, compared to 8.5% at the end of 2022. In terms of EUR notional exposure, fixed-rate exposure has increased by EUR 1.6 billion, due to the issuance of more CLOs since the beginning of 2023.

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