CLO Research

Basic Premium

Barings Euro CLO 2014-2

According to LCD News, Barings has announced the liquidation of Barings Euro CLO 2014-2, with the expected redemption date set for 31 July. This deal was issued on 4 November 2014. It was reset on 25 May 2017, pushing out its original reinvestment end date from 25 November 2018 to 25 May 2021.

Basic Premium

US and EU CLOs: Senior AAA Flows and Spread Movements

Due to the slower pace of amortization during the post-reinvestment period, net senior AAA supply for EU CLOs was positive in Q2-to-date, contrasting with US BSL counterparts. Despite these differing supply dynamics, senior AAA spreads tightened by approximately 13 bps and 16 bps for top-tier US CLO and EU CLO managers, respectively, during this period.

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