Performance of Vertical vs First-Loss Risk Retention Deals by EU CLO Manager
From a sample of 506 deals, 27 EU CLO managers oversee deals with both vertical and first-loss risk retention.
From a sample of 506 deals, 27 EU CLO managers oversee deals with both vertical and first-loss risk retention.
A sample of 1,460 US BSL CLO deals (vintage 2013–2023) is included in this study. Deals with a collateral pool factor below 60% are excluded.
A sample of 506 EU CLO deals (vintage 2013–1H 2024) is included in this study. Deals with a collateral pool factor below 60% are excluded.
Market Value Over-Collateralization (MVOC), for instance, at the BB tranche level, is calculated by dividing the collateral market value (MV) by the sum of CLO liabilities (AAA to BB). MVOC is a key point-in-time metric for valuing CLO-rated tranches, widely tracked by participants in both primary and secondary markets.
Market Value Over-Collateralization (MVOC), for instance, at the BB tranche level, is calculated by dividing the collateral market value (MV) by the sum of CLO liabilities (AAA to BB). MVOC is a crucial point-in-time metric for pricing CLO-rated tranches, closely monitored by primary and secondary market participants.
Below are tables presenting the MVOC (AAA-B) and EQ NAV of US BSL deals by vintage, based on asset prices...