US CLO Manager Report: KKR
US CLO Manager Report: KKR
To calculate the total/MV/interest return alpha, we begin by determining the total/MV/interest investment return for each complete period, such as from a deal’s closing date to the most recent reporting date. This is achieved by compounding the portfolio’s monthly (or periodic) total/MV/interest return since the closing date. We then annualise the total/MV/interest portfolio return and compare it with the annualised return of the index. The difference represents the total/MV/interest return alpha, as illustrated here.
KKR has excelled in preserving the equity NAV of these two seasoned deals.
In the 2.0 CLO landscape, it is quite uncommon to see very high cash-on-cash equity distributions. However, 42 regular reinvesting US BSL CLO deals have distributed impressive cash payments to their equity investors, with annualized payments of around 25% or more so far this year.
May 2024: Summary of CLO Research Insights
The top five managers with the highest number of deals in the top quartile are Oak Hill Advisors, Golub Capital, CSAM, Benefit Street Partners, and Elmwood.