Tag Archives: Arbitrage

Basic Premium

US BSL CLOs: Weekly Arbitrage Metrics

The loan index’s moving 4-week average discounted spreads are used as a proxy for the US BSL CLO portfolios’ discounted spreads. Arbitrage refers to the index’s discounted spread net of the cost of funding, based on discount margins (of AAA–BB tranches of top-tier deals) rather than spreads. New issue upfront costs and management fees are not accounted for. The loan index used for this analysis is the Morningstar LSTA US B-BB Ratings Loan Index.

From Initial Arbitrage to Final CLO Equity IRRs: Unveiling the Surprising Outcomes

The absence of CLO arbitrage has been garnering significant attention recently. This concept encompasses several facets, most notably the initial net interest margin of a CLO deal. However, in periods of loan market volatility, the importance of the initial net interest margin diminishes somewhat, as market participants redirect their focus towards the enticing potential rewards associated with the rise in equity NAV.