US CLO Managers (Performance)

US Module premium users will gain access to all basic premium content, as well as to US manager performance reports, including the latest reports on individual investment return performance from large and seasoned US CLO managers. Due to the proprietary research nature of our CLO Premium service, we do not offer free trials. If you’re interested in learning more about the premium content or would like a walkthrough of the website via Zoom, please don’t hesitate to email

US CLO Managers (Performance)

Post-2012 US CLO Equity IRRs Categorised by Vintage

The equity tranche IRRs for 2.0 US CLO deals by vintage are summarised in the table below, based on a sample of 619 fully redeemed deals from the 2012–2020 vintages. An issue price of $95 has been assumed, with residual values and incentive fees factored into the IRR calculations. The final equity NAV includes both the last equity distribution and accrued interest.

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