Mind the Gap: A Comparative Study of Country Positioning Strategies in EU CLO Management, Top-Tier vs. Lower-Tier
While using average metrics may have its drawbacks, as it can obscure some of the nuances that distinguish individual managers,...
How do CLO managers perform from a debt investor’s perspective?
What does the latest arbitrage landscape look like? Which managers consistently show higher post-RP prepayment rates? If you’re curious to explore our premium insights or would like a personal walkthrough of the website via Zoom, feel free to reach out at info@clopremium.co.uk. Please note, due to the proprietary nature of our research, we do not offer free trials.
While using average metrics may have its drawbacks, as it can obscure some of the nuances that distinguish individual managers,...
We calculated the total return alpha for 90 EU CLO deals issued in 2021 and managed by 46 managers using...
Please find below tables presenting the MVOC (AAA-B) and EQ NAV of EU CLO deals by vintage, based on asset prices as of 17th February 2023.
With rising rates, CLO equity tranches face more competition from lower mezzanine tranches. One of the main reasons investors like CLO equity is its quarterly cash-on-cash distributions. That said, with rising interest rates, lower mezzanine tranches are becoming a real alternative to equity tranches.
The tables below show the MVOC (AAA-B) and EQ NAV of US BSL CLO and EU CLO deals* by vintage...
The final IRR of a 2.0 CLO equity tranche very much depends on the final equity NAV realisation. There are 20 US CLO managers with at least one deal registering an IRR of over 15%.
For the first time in many months, the median CLO equity NAV metrics are positive across vintages.
Tracking the below 80/70/60 price buckets at the CLO underlying collateral level is useful as it highlights the tail risk of the...
The table below shows the latest industry overweight/underweight for each seasoned manager based on a sample of 309 seasoned deals...
Tracking the below 80/70/60 price buckets at the CLO underlying collateral level is useful as it highlights the tail risk of the...
One would expect that performance dispersion across managers would be more pronounced in the second half of 2022 given the loan market volatility, but the actual performance range across EU CLO managers...
The tables below show the EQ NAV metrics of US BSL CLO and EU CLO deals* by vintage based on...
The following table shows the average below 80 and 70 price buckets by manager based on asset prices as of 13 Jan 2023.
The following table shows the average below 80 and 70 price buckets by manager based on asset prices as of 13 Jan...
The tables below show the median MVOC and EQ NAV of US BSL CLO and EU CLO deals* by vintage...