CLO Research

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CLO Market Musings 5 – Equity Final NAV

Previous articles in this series, titled "CLO Market Musings," talked about the significance of the eventual equity NAV realisation for a regular arbitrage CLO deal (with a longer WAL) with the goal of delivering at least a double-digit IRR for CLO equity investors. The accompanying table, based on 291 fully realized US CLO deals, demonstrates that a final equity NAV greater than 50% on average is needed to achieve a double-digit IRR for CLO equity tranches. It goes without saying that annual distributions have to be at a level that is at least somewhat satisfactory.

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Latest US CLO MVOC (AAA–B) and EQ NAV by Vintage

Market Value Over-Collateralisation (MVOC), for instance, at the BBB tranche level, is calculated by dividing the collateral MV by the sum of CLO liabilities (AAA to BBB). MVOC is a crucial point-in-time metric for pricing CLO-rated tranches, closely monitored by primary and secondary market participants. Calculating CLO Equity NAV involves dividing the residual collateral value (MV collateral net of total CLO debt notional) by the equity tranche notional. In today’s market, older vintage CLO deals with limited reinvestment flexibility may suffer more. For post-2012 CLO deals to deliver a decent equity IRR, the final NAV realization plays a crucial role.

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CLO Market Musings 4 – Mezz vs Equity Distributions

The European leveraged loan market has returned to levels last seen in early June 2022. Primary EU CLOs were priced at around 140/240/385/570/875/1150 bps (from the triple-A to single-B notes) at that time. The last EU CLO new issue was priced at 165/300/400/600/850/not offered. If the loan market rally can be sustained and other technical factors are favourable, it would not be surprising to see lags in CLO pricing resolved.

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2021 CLOs: Lower Mezz vs Equity Cash-on-Cash

With rising rates, CLO equity tranches face more competition from lower mezzanine tranches. One of the main reasons investors like CLO equity is its quarterly cash-on-cash distributions. That said, with rising interest rates, lower mezzanine tranches are becoming a real alternative to equity tranches.

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