CLO Research

Basic Premium

Reset of RRE 3 Loan Management CLO

The recent reset of the RRE 3 Loan Management CLO saw its weighted average cost of capital (WACC) rise from 156 bps to 179 bps. However, the extension of the reinvestment period to July 2029 has made the upsized reset accretive for equity investors.

EU Module (Historical Performance and Style)

EU CLO Managers: Below 80 Price Exposure by Vintage

Tracking ‘below 80 price exposure’ for CLO underlying collateral can be valuable in assessing tail risk within the asset pool. However, it is important to account for the impact of trading activity on these exposures, as CLO managers may have built par or traded out of distressed assets to crystallise portfolio losses. While this metric has its limitations, particularly as it does not fully account for the impact of trading, it remains a useful tool for providing a quick overview of tail risk in a manager’s CLO collateral pool. It is also static in nature, meaning it is not a return-based metric.

Basic Premium

EU CLO Managers: Rankings Based on MVOC (BB)

A sample of 496 EU CLO deals (vintage 2013–2023) is included in this study. Deals with a collateral pool factor below 60% are excluded. Market Value Over-Collateralization (MVOC), for instance, at the BB tranche level, is calculated by dividing the collateral market value (MV) by the sum of CLO liabilities (AAA to BB). MVOC is a crucial point-in-time metric for pricing CLO-rated tranches, closely monitored by primary and secondary market participants. If you’re curious to explore our premium insights or would like a personal walkthrough of the website via Zoom, feel free to reach out at

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