Please refer to the table below, which displays the trends in 2.0 US BSL CLO AUM for each of the top 100 US BSL CLO managers since 2012. The year-end notional AUM (in billions of dollars) for each period is calculated based on the pricing dates of CLO deals and the notional of the underlying collateral. For a consistent comparison, the AUM figures for each manager have been adjusted for mergers and acquisitions and changes in management contracts. In 2024, 37 of the top 100 managers experienced a decrease in their assets under management. Conversely, Elmwood, AGL, and Onex significantly boosted their assets, each securing more than 10% of the total growth recorded that year. Irradiant captured the largest market share of AUM growth in 2023, with Blackstone leading in 2022 and 2021, and RRAM in 2020.