Tag Archives: US CLO Manager Scoring

Scoring US CLO Managers Based on 2021 Vintage Deal Performance

In the table below, the relative standing of each US CLO manager is illustrated based on their latest average total alpha metrics. A score of 91% means that the manager's total return alpha is at the 91st percentile, indicating that their total return alpha metric is higher than 91% of their peers.

US CLO Manager Performance: Quarterly Scoring Based on Total (MV + Interest) Return Alpha

A sample of 313 seasoned deals (2016–2019 vintage deals) managed by 57 US CLO managers is included in this study. The benchmark loan index used is the Morningstar LSTA US B-BB Ratings Loan Index. The table in tihis premium displays the relative ranking of each US CLO manager based on their quarterly average total (MV+interest) return alpha metrics*. For instance, a manager with a score of 82% (for 2Q 2023) indicates that their total return alpha is at the 82nd percentile for that quarter. In simpler terms, the manager's total return alpha metric exceeds that of 82% of their peers for that quarter.