US BSL CLO Managers: Rankings Based on MVOC (BB)
A sample of 1,601 US BSL CLO deals (vintage 2013–2023) is included in this study. Deals with a collateral pool...
A sample of 1,601 US BSL CLO deals (vintage 2013–2023) is included in this study. Deals with a collateral pool...
The top managers with the highest number of deals in the top quartile are Oak Hill Advisors, Golub Capital, CSAM, Benefit Street Partners, Sixth Street, Elmwood, CVC, Blackstone, and Blackrock.
A sample of 1,684 US BSL CLO deals (vintage 2013–2023) is included in this study. Deals with a collateral pool...
May 2024: Summary of CLO Research Insights
Please see the table below for the list of US BSL CLO managers and the average percentile across at least 10 of their deals, based on asset prices as of May 28, 2024. It is also interesting to note that managers with a primary CLO blended DM print of below 190 bps are represented across the performance percentiles.