US BSL CLO Managers: Rankings Based on MVOC (BB)
A sample of 1,601 US BSL CLO deals (vintage 2013–2023) is included in this study. Deals with a collateral pool...
A sample of 1,601 US BSL CLO deals (vintage 2013–2023) is included in this study. Deals with a collateral pool...
This deal has performed well, with its final IRR expected to exceed 12%, net of incentive fees.
Throughout 2020 and 2021, Blackrock demonstrated resilience in its total performance. It consistently outperformed the loan index from January 2020 to July 2022, with the exception of April/May 2020. However, the firm’s performance began to decline from mid-2022, as its MV alpha decreased more significantly than that of its peers.
The top managers with the highest number of deals in the top quartile are Oak Hill Advisors, Golub Capital, CSAM, Benefit Street Partners, Sixth Street, Elmwood, CVC, Blackstone, and Blackrock.
In the 2.0 CLO landscape, it is quite uncommon to see very high cash-on-cash equity distributions. However, 42 regular reinvesting US BSL CLO deals have distributed impressive cash payments to their equity investors, with annualized payments of around 25% or more so far this year.